Lucine Kurage

Healer of the moon

NameLucine Kurage
Race:Raen Au ra
Nameday:16th Sun of the First Umbral Moon


Height | Weight:5'2 / 155 lbs
OccupationTraveling healer, caretaker, hostess
Place of origin:Yanxia, Othard
Alignment:Chaotic Good
Eye Color | Hair Color | Skin Tone:Teal Green / Light blue with salmon pink ends / Umber dusted with dark freckles
Likes:Jellyfish, the ocean, bubble baths, dancing, drinking, the nightly sky
Dislikes:Stubbornness, cold weather, thunder, spicy foods
Nameday:16th Sun of the First Umbral Moon

"Feeling unwell? Let me mend your heart ♡"


Born in the little village of Namai, Lucine grew up on her family rice farm with her over abundant family.
Being the third eldest child of nine siblings, she felt the duty of aiding her parents and grandmother with the task of raising and entertaining her younger siblings.
When not tasked with chores, the young au ra would venture to the One River, enjoying the calming waves and enchanting sea life. But the true beauty of her life would come and visit her in the crisp of night. Bold, bright, and breathtaking, Lucine would be enraptured by the beauty of the moon, the essence of her first love Menphina.Through her experiences and devout admiration, as she got older she starting gaining an vast interest in various herbs, medicine, and healing. Determined to pursue her passion along with the looming threat of the Empire on her homeland, she travelled off to Ul'dah in search of a mentor to become an apothecary, seeking to learn new remedies and healing techniques to aid those in need.


A Medic on a MissionHas traveled far and wide to provide aid for various illnesses and wounds. Maybe you've been healed by her before? Or maybe you're also familiar in the arts of an apothecary.
Strange Horns and tailShe is an au ra...right? She looks kind
Talks of Home and/or KuganeEither mention of her home or her dream settling down city is bound to get her excited.
Songs of the oceanA child of the water through and through. Lucine loves to do various activities around any large body's of water. Maybe you'll catch her swimming amongst the jellyfish? Or maybe you may hear the sweet melodies of something in the wind?
Party GirlTraveling and working can be hard. Lucine enjoys to wind down with some good drinks, kind company, and a flashy scene. Just don't let her employers know


Kalix ♦ She/Her ♦ 25+ ♦ Taken

  • I, the player, am not my character. please understand that we are not the same person.

  • Please respect my character and her flaws, do not try to force anything on her.

  • Please ask if you're unsure if i would be okay with something, this helps a lot and communication is awesome!